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Why Get an Optomap Retinal Exam

Are you aware that many retinal disorders rarely present any symptoms until you have some form of loss of vision?

Optomap exams are a comfortable replacement if you find eye exams uncomfortable. It is a revolutionary procedure for conducting retinal exams. It allows your eye doctor to provide the most comprehensive eye exam. It does this by capturing more than 80 percent of the retina in one panoramic image. Also, optomap technology allows eye doctors to detect hidden eye diseases and tracks the efficacy of treatments for eye diseases.


What Is an Optomap?

An optomap is a tool designed for retinal examinations. It employs laser technology to take a digital panoramic image of the retina. Because it can take a photo of more than 80 percent of the retina, it is set apart from other retinal exam procedures. It provides excellent visibility for the eye doctor. Furthermore, it is very comfortable for the patient. 

You should get an optomap exam during a comprehensive eye checkup. Your eye doctor will recommend it depending on the eye exam results.


Side Effects of an Optomap

So far, there have been over 150 million optomap examinations done, and researchers have not detected any side effects. The designers of the technology envisioned a painless, non-invasive, and very safe treatment. If you still have doubts about it, your eye doctor can clarify the procedure.


Benefits of an Optomap

Optomap examinations have several benefits that make them a welcome alternative to conventional retinal exams.

  • Comfort

Eye dilation used in other eye exams can be painful. The pain results from the stinging effect of the dilation eye drops applied to the eyes. In the exam, nothing touches your eye; you just look into the device and the doctor takes a photo of your retina. 

  • Speed

Taking a photo of the retina with the optomap device is very quick. It will take about a second to get a fully detailed image. The eye doctor can examine the photos and determine whether there are any diseases in a short time. The optomap is a very reliable diagnostic tool.

  • Longevity

The doctor stores the images to make it possible to track the progressive health of the retina. They would do this by comparing the earlier images of your retina with recent ones. It allows them to notice any changes in the health of your retina. If your eye doctor needs a second opinion, they can send the digital files to a specialist.

  • Accuracy

The eye doctor can only capture about 15 percent of the retina with conventional retinal examination methods. It is far from the more than 80-percent capable optomap technology. It makes it easy to take photos of specific areas in the eye. The eye doctor can also enlarge the image to better look at something.

  • Efficacy

The optomap is useful for all patients regardless of their age or eye condition. It is a quick and comfortable eye exam now available to all people.

For more on the optomap retinal exam, call Davie Family Eye Care at (754) 238-5360 to reach our office in Davie, Florida.

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